Rolls Royce

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Rolls Royce Rolls Royce is a global company providing power for land, sea and air. It employs some 40,000 people in more than 30 countries, including over 25,000 in the UK, 5,000 in the rest of the Europe and over 8,000 in North America. The company has a balanced business portfolio with leading positions in civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy markets. With annual sales of around £6 billion and a forward order book of nearly £17 billion, its technology is applied over a wide range of products that generate high-value services throughout their operational lives. E1 Rolls Royce is a worldwide organisation that deals in many areas; because of this it is a Public Limited Company. There are both benefits and drawbacks to been a Public Limited Company. As you are selling shares on the stock market, the company gets a huge capital injection allowing the company to expand quicker and invest in new products. In Rolls Royce's case it allows them to use high quality machinery and materials to produce expensive goods such as motor vehicles and aeroplane engines. Within a Public Limited Company such as Rolls Royce there is also a limited liability and continuity as their turnover is huge per annum. Been on the stock market also can have a positive effect on your publicity and suppliers are more willing to offer you credit as they can see how secure your finances are. However a Plc. has its drawbacks, as the company is sold on the stock market it therefore entitles the shareholders to dividend at the end of each financial year. Therefore any profit made has to be paid out amongst the shareholders. Also the shareholders... ... middle of paper ... ...ts. It is there they must make a new objective to keep the shareholder happy and informed on the running of the business. This alternative would make the investor happier to input more money into the business if he or she believes there stake will hold its value or possibly increase. One other objective that needs to be met is the issue with been environmentally friendly; this could mean the creation of a new department within the business known as the environment protection department. However the drawback with creating a new department like this it would increase the wage bill as more workers are been employed. There is one other alternative to hiring new staff, you can train current staff already on the payroll from different departments as the need to make an entirely new department would not be cost effective.

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