Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Literary Analysis

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In the novel, Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, the setting has affected the story and the characters in many ways. It’s 1933 in Mississippi and slavery has now been abolished but in the South nearly 60 years later, there is still prejudice towards African American people. Jim Crow laws were designed to keep white and black people separate- schools, water fountains, and public transportation. These laws were justified by an 1896 Supreme Court ruling called Plessy vs. Ferguson. This ruling stated things for black and whites could be separate but equal. This was not always the case as black facilities were inferior to the white facilities. The Great Depression also was going on at the time causing many people to be unemployed. …show more content…

They are being ripped off because they are African American. An example on page 74 is, “Tarred and feathered him!... he (Mr. Tatum) called Mr. Lee Barnet a liar- he is the man who runs the Mercantile store down in Strawberry. Mr. Tatum s'poses to done told that he ain’t ordered up all those things Mr. Barnet charged him for… Mr. Barnett says “You calling me a liar boy?” And Mr. Tatum says, “Yessuh, I guess I am!” This proves that Mr. Tatum relies on Mr. Barnett’s store to provide food and tools. Mr. Tatum doesn’t see the money so Mr. Barnett is ripping him off. Mr. Tatum does not believe he is paying the money he should so he called Mr. Barnett a liar. The night riders are a group of white men who harass the black families. After Mr. Tatum called Mr. Barnett a liar, the night riders tarred and feathered him. Cassie and her three brothers, Stacy, Christopher- John, and Little Man along with their mother and grandma ( Big Ma) on a cotton plantation. Their father is away because of the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused the price of cotton to drop so Papa has to go away to work on the railroad because the cotton does not make much money. It is also because of the night riders that Papa brought Mr. Morrasion to help the farm continue, along with keeping Cassie, Stacy, Little Man, Christopher- John, Mama, and Big Ma

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