Role Playing Games Perilous Research Paper

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Can role playing games be perilous? Even if their just diversion for kids? Role playing can be normalized to kids, they can disturb the public and kids can become more violent with others. Role playing games with simulated violence are perilous for kids because the kids can start to think guns are something normal. To win the game you have to “Kill Someone.” You have to plan everything in the text is says “The game the school becomes a souks of intelligence-gathering and disinformation.” Although this may seem like a good idea to do and work together, it still isn't doing this at a young age or at all is like practicing an actual shootout. It may be all fun and games now that for role playing games but in the real world people get messed up in the head, with real guns many people get hurt and lose loved ones. …show more content…

In the article is says that “Three water guns shoved inside the pocket of a hoodie.” People may think that the person carrying these items are a terrorist or dangerous and cause a sean and have the kid with the water guns shoved in pocket tackled to the ground and hurt. The articles also says “ “I told the driver to pull over on the other side of the street, but he wouldn’t do it,” Cohen said, the wet splotch drying in the center of his T-shirt. In the end, the Protell-Lowther team won, with twenty-one kills.” Kids can be very competitive when it comes to role playing games. Therefore they do anything just to win the game , kids can become very furious with a driver or anyone in public, so they may blame a person in pubic for losing the game and may hurt

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