Robotic Technology In Health And Social Care Essay

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According to last week reading I chose to argue my claim by using a proposal. However, it is important to define a need or a problem. According to Writing Arguments: Proposals, "To make a proposal to solve a problem or meet a need, first establish that need or problem to exists" (381). I think it is important to make it known that there is a problem with a shortage and lack of healthcare workers and by incorporating robotics will become beneficial when it comes to preforming a task and surgery. There are many perspectives when it comes to whether robotic technology is beneficial in healthcare. A lot of people question if the robot really creates a more efficient workforce. There are opposing viewpoints that even believe that a robotic nurse could never replace a human nurse …show more content…

Therefore, opening up about what other people's view on robotics in healthcare. It is important that I take in consideration and apply ethical thinking when it comes to considering opposing viewpoints. This is key to convince the audience that my argument claim us true. I will consider others viewpoints and still believe in my original view, then I will be able to ethically persuade other people. However, according to Considering Multiple Perspectives, "Particularly in academic context, authors make a point of taking an authoritative tone"(77). I believe that in order to make a my claim stronger, I must be passionate about my topic. I am very dedicated and interested in robotic technology because this can be changing the healthcare. As a person who is pursuing a career in healthcare I am honored to argue my claim. I plan on using aa authoritative tone so my audience will listen, if I don’t why would any one want to listen if I don’t believe in it myself. In addition, I will use my research and evidence to show the knowledge behind robotic

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