Robert Nozick´s Happiness and the Experience Machine

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Robert Nozick's Happiness

Many theorist believe that happiness is the only important in people's life, and all that should matter to a person is being happy. The standard of assessing a good life is how much or quantity of happiness it contains. This openness of happiness, its generosity of spirit and width of appreciation, gets warped and constricted by the claim pretending to be its greatest friend—that only happiness matters, nothing else. Robert Nozick does not on the side of hedonistic utilitarianism, he gives several examples to show that there are other elements of reality we may strive for, even at the expense of pleasure. In this essay, I will focus on Nozick's opinion of the direction of happiness and the experience machine, and finally how do I answer the question What is happiness.

Nozick analyzes the amount of happiness and concludes that one must care about more than the total amount of happiness within one’s life. In order to have a better life, one must concerned with when this happiness was distributed within life. Someone's live would be considered as more...

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