Robert Hooke Research Paper

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Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton are renowned scientist, never thought of as immature or unprofessional by physics students. Today they are known for theories of their own creation, but when Newton first wrote his book on the Laws of Gravity, there was lots of controversy. Isaac Newton is often called “The First Physicist” mainly because of his work with the Laws of Gravity, which is published in his book entitled Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. This book is said to be the single most influential book on physics. He is also regarded as the “father of the clockwork universe.” This is because in his book he address what pattern the planets go around the sun in. In his work in Calculus he helped create the derivative which will is Newton was mad and defended himself. Newton took out all references to Hooke in his books. Neither men ever settled the argument and Hooke constantly tried to humiliate and anger Newton at every possible moment. Hooke didn’t retire until he died in 1703 because Newton had become president of the Royal Society. While Newton never suffered any consequences because of his behavior or treatment of Hooke, Hooke did suffer. Because Newton withdrew all references to Hooke, Hooke declined in popularity as Newton steadily rose. This made Hooke extremely bitter until he died. Many historians believe that Newton was so competitive because of his mother abandoning him at a young age. Isaac Newton and Robert Hooke are both renowned scientists in Physics and many other fields. They fought with each other over many years about who deserves credit for what. They also are both extremely immature when it comes to dealing with this. They constantly accused each other. They never forgave each other because they were too stubborn. Neither man handled the situation properly. Although, Hooke did have the theory first he did not act upon and Newton did, so Newton got the credit for it fair and

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