Robert Frost

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Robert Frost

Robert Frost is a familiar name to many people for his poetry and less familiar for his thought-provoking quotes. He once said, "I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference," in which he indeed did. His life consisted of many twists and turns that, in some other person, could prove to be a damper in one's success. Frost took advantage of the hard times and turned them into good; changing his streak on America as a great poet.

Robert Frost was born on March 26th, 1874 in San Francisco, California to Isabelle Moodie Frost, casually known as Bell, and William Prescott Frost (Costello). During his young childhood, the Frost family lived in a small apartment. His father was a journalist, and his mother stayed at home raising her son (Angyal 556). Frost's father was an alcoholic, a gambler, and a devoted politician (Ron Carnell) during Robert's childhood, so his mother would shelter him from the abuse by teaching him inspirational literature, and reading scripts from the Bible (Angyal 557). It was during this rough time, at such a tender age, that Robert's poetic niche began.

Robert's father died in 1885 of Tuberculosis, when Frost was only 11 years old. His remaining family moved to the east to be with his grandparents (Angyal 557). This was the beginning of his famous New England themed poetry. They were located in Lawrence, Massachusetts for much of Frost's late childhood and teenage years (Angyal

557). To support the family, Bell began teaching at a local elementary school. Robert helped out with expenses with small part time jobs in-between school (Angyal 558).

Robert Frost was an excellent student; achieving in sports, debate, and editor of the school newspaper. Robert graduated co...

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...enate on his 75th birthday on March 16th, 1950, awarded honorary doctorates by Oxford and Cambridge universities, and even takes the opportunity to recite "The Gift Outright" at President John F. Kennedy inauguration in 1961, then to cloud up his victories, enters a hospital for prostate cancer (Angyal 561).

Robert Frost's last award was the Bollingen Prize for Poetry before his death on January 19th, 1963 (Angyal 561). His life was filled with fullness. Talent surrounded him from the beginning, and Frost embraced it like no other. He fell in love with a wonderful woman in which they had 6 children; 2 that died at a young age, and becoming an American legend for beautiful poetry about the part of his native country he loved most: New England. America will look up to Robert Frost as an icon to wonderful literature, as well as surviving the tough times life can throw.

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