Rivers Of Blood Enoch Powells Speech Analysis

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Within England in 1968, new policies were put into force that made it illegal to refuse people with the ethnic background of any employment, public services and housing. In the same year of the release of the policy, Enoch Powell a conservative MP of Wolverhampton delivered a speech in South West called “Rivers of Blood.” He explained that Britain was “literally mad” to allow mass immigration from Commonwealth countries and disagreed on allowing more people into the country, as he felt that the country had let a majority of people in; therefore he felt that England was “mad.” Powell uses Roman literature with his predictions that there would a disaster in Britain, he quotes, "As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I
Due to the migrant’s actions, it was leading to many local residents gaining fear. Powell quotes one of the many residents saying “If I had the money to go, I wouldn’t stay in this country…in fifteen or twenty years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man” (Telegraph). Local residents know that over time the migrants will take over Britain and due to their rise in population, the British will become a minority, which compels them to either leaving the country or move out the areas that are getting overpopulated with
This caused a lot of racial discrimination between the different cultures; therefore, many residents felt threatened and left those areas. Enoch Powell spoke for his nation as he felt it would be a “betrayal” if he did not speak because he could see the current situations and the future; therefore, he reported the issue to the parliament about the migrants and how the numbers will only increase in the future and the country will be overpopulated by migrants and immigrants, which is the current issue in Britain right

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