George Orwell 1984 Rhetorical Analysis

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George Orwell’s book nineteen eighty-four was an opportunity to warn society about the dangers of control and where we as the future could be heading. This warning is about allowing the media to gain control of what is reality. In the novel Orwell uses literary devices, such as irony, paradox, and allusions. He introduces new linguistic concepts; doublespeak and newspeak. Implements propaganda techniques to suppress free thought and action. The most commonly known used by Party Members is doublespeak, to distort or obscure the actual meaning of words, embodies irony. In our days the media controls our knowledge of what happens around the world. If you do not watch the news you do not found out what is happening in other countries in the world. They are very selective on what feature they report on. They report on stories that they believe public want to hear and know about. For example terrorist bomb in Bali kills hundreds, but nothing about Grand council convenes in Afghanistan. In nineteen eighty-four Ingsc controls the media. They …show more content…

“war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength” are the slogans that the party promote are a excellent example of verbal irony. For the inner Party, these slogans mean as long as Oceania is at war, the people are able to direct their anger at an enemy and not at the party. Freedom is what the party enjoys, as it enslaves the people, and the outer party members or workers are out in the war zone. As long as the people remain ignorant to the truth, the inner party remains strong. Those that cannot comprehend the machination of the inner party believe that peace can only be achieved by conquering the world and eliminating the enemies of the Party and the people of Oceania. The people believe that to act freely would lessen Oceania’s strength. Also they believe that any digression from the Party weakens the nation. Therefore preferring to stay

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