Right To Fail Analysis

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Should you not be able to fail before you become successful? Should you not hit bumps along the way to an successful journey? Should you not start low to make it to the top? Success is earned not given, failure is an option. In that case, some people have to fail in order to learn how to achieve in life. Success is never taken lightly, nevertheless should it be judged. Failure becomes an fear in most lives, therefore how will you become an success if you are afraid to fail? Humans make mistakes, just as well as doing something right; therefore we have the right to fail. Zinesser’s essay challenges what I have learned about the American Dream. In my eyes, the American Dream is everyone having equal success through determination,hard …show more content…

Z claims that the reason why people do not try is because of the fear of failing along the way. You can not let fear be the outcome of your success. Zinesser tries to teach society that it is okay to fail, you have to get back up once you get knocked down. In Right to Fail, Z explains how people such as, Thomas P.F Hoving and Fred Zinneman go through failures to become famous commissioners and directors. Zinneman states, “Success can be dangerous-- you feel you know it all. I’ve learned a great deal from my failure.” Zinneman symbolizes how he has grown from a boy to an man by accepting the choices he has made, nevertheless knowing they will help him achieve great things. In the long run; failure can be a …show more content…

Z points out how this world is focused on material success: Advertisements, commercials, and articles. The world today is based on perfection, no one works for achievement or earns it (The Kardashians for example). Based on how much money you invest, your type of vehicle, and who is your parents. These people are considered, “Idols,” while on the other hand others are considered, “Finks.” According to the articles, if you drop out of college you are considered a failure with no bright future ahead of you. Zinsser announces, “A boy or girl who leaves college is branded a failure-- and the right to fail is one of the few freedoms that this country does not grant its citizens.” In light of, people do not give others the chance to fail based on judging a book before you see its cover, additionally the world has to come to the light to see that failure is the first step of living an amazing life. Z claims, “ I’m not urging everyone to go out and fail just for the sheer therapy of it, or to quit college just to coddle some vague discontent.” In that case, do not fail on purpose! Z wants his readers to know that it is okay to make mistakes because you are human, knowing that it is better to succeed than to flop, knowingly failure is not sorry just the start of

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