Rick Deckard In Blade Runner

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Hunter of androids, soldier to the powerful, even “merciless detective” are all names for those known as, the blade runner. In the classic film, “Blade Runner”, this mysterious and noir persona is played by detective Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford). As it goes, Deckard commences a mission to capture five renegade androids (human-imitating robots) in the dystopian metropolis of 2019 Los Angeles. In this adventure, there are the typical conflicts, romances and tragedies expected of any movie. The gold of the film, however, lies within its fantastic cinematography, dialogue, acting, poetry and characteristic sci-fi feel. Most importantly, the observations on human nature, even what it means to be human, play key roles in its identity. Altogether, critics raved …show more content…

In the new take, Officer K (Ryan Gosling), android and blade runner, plays a similar character to Deckard, only 30 years later. So, after tracking down some outdated models of androids, and doing the work of a runner, Officer K picks up the trail of a birth-giving android and is forced to hunt its child. To say the least, the movie provides more justice to its script than one can take from “baby android”. But upon what gunslinging or gratifying action scenes one might expect, there is none but the gold of alluring cinematography, thought-provoking scenarios and a captivating sci-fi experience. Like so, the movie stretches an audience for about two hours and 40 minutes. Meanwhile, much-needed conflict, action, humor, or any form of variety is sacrificed at the expense of such like subtle character development. Not to say that the “2049” movie didn’t succeed at providing humor or action, it just failed to meet demands of a certain justified audience. So, in its revival, “Blade Runner 2049” provides a greatly unique experience for many, despite the understandable bore for

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