Richard Louv's From Last Child In The Woods

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Disconnecting Day by Day Back in the good ol days, people used to view nature a lot differently than they do now. As the tall trees would pass in a long car ride, children used to watch in awe. Today, the only trees they look at are the ones presented on a screen. They depend so much on wifi that they are unaware of the connection they can form traveling through a forest. As a result, the people of the future generation will be so disconnected from nature that they won't fight to save it. Richard Louv wrote an essay titled, “From Last Child in the Woods”, which perfectly explains the problem of separation within man and nature. As a generation today, we are so focused on technology, that we forget to worship the very thing that surrounds us. Richard Louv told a story in his essay, that confirmed: Parents help in this isolation. The story was about an individual who was buying a new car. He refused the optional televisions that would be placed in the back seat for children. The sales person’s jaw dropped in shock that he didn't want something to keep that children quite. It’s evident that so many humans say they want their children to watch less television, yet provide them with so many opportunities to do so. Richard Louv then asks, “why …show more content…

Humans are taking over and tearing down nature without a second thought. Especially in the city, it’s hard for people to put down their phones long enough to realize the world is slowly dying. They throw thousands of pounds worth of trash in the ocean just to get it out of their way. Without realizing it, the thing that covers the majority of this world is sick, and humans are to blame. Only a couple centuries ago, one believed nature was indestructible. Meaning, it would always overpower man and could not be affected by anything. However, they were sadly wrong, humans are capable of much more than we were meant to

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