Rhetorical Listening In Lady Gaga's Born This Way

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One of my favorite songs has always been “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga, listening to it this time around as I thought of Krista Ratcliffe definition of rhetorical listening I picked up on many of her examples to what rhetorical listening really is. The songs main focus is being yourself and accepting yourself for who you are because you were born that way regardless of how others make you feel. Understanding yourself and being united to those around you who stand out and understand you because of many differences. Author Krista made a point in one of her many definitions to rhetorical listening which was “ that is, as a stance of openness that a person may choose to assume in relation to any person, text or culture; its purpose is to cultivate …show more content…

After understanding this statement, I took a different intake on the song as I listen to it and really understood the purpose as to why Lady Gaga composed this song, she relates and supports others of different gender, race or sexual orientation. By her singing this song she is giving a voice to all those around the world who have been quite for so long to speak up and accept themselves regardless of what others think, Lady Gaga is promoting productivity by her communication through this song. Krista also mentions a racial division that exist in listening and how someone of a different race might intake something differently than someone who is of another race. Or how if something is being communicated by a white person it may be taken more serious rather than if it was communicated by another person of a difference race. “Listening is not necessary in U.S culture for white people as it is for non-whites;” (Ratcliffe,Krista. Defining Rhetorical Listening, Southern Illinois University press, 2005). This Lady Gaga song like I mention before was a huge hit due to the message she was getting across through the song that was understood and respected by

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