Narrative Method Of Rhetorical Criticism

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In this essay, I will be analyzing the Traditional method of rhetorical criticism and the Narrative method of rhetorical criticism. The traditional method is incredibly contextual, meaning, it looks deeply at the source, message, and audience as they interact within a give time span. Furthermore, this method is a critique of the assumed interaction between a speaker, text, or artifact and its intended audience. In contrast, a narrative criticism examines all facets of any rhetorical artifact for its form, structure, and pattern, treating it as a dramatic story that unfolds and reveals itself for a certain purpose. Additionally, narratives are primarily utilized as a cognitive instrument for comprehending significance. A traditional method assumes that the criticism involves both explication of what actually went on when the speaker engaged his or her audience, and an evaluation of how well the speaker performed the task of changing the audiences’ perspective of reality. It is also assumed that the traditional method will create a feeling of identification and sense of relatedness between the speaker or writer and the …show more content…

Next, the critic must investigate the the background, motivations, and intentions of the speaker or artifact. Following the investigation, the critic must apply the 5 canons of rhetoric to artifact: invention, organization, style, delivery, and memory. After evaluating whether or not the 5 canons of rhetoric can be successfully applied to the artifact, the critic will evaluate the effects and effectiveness of the artifact. Basically, a successful critique of an artifact will show whether or not the artifact’s intended response from the intended audience was evoked, and whether or not successful persuasion

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