Rhetorical Appeals In Frankenstein

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Do stereotypes exist within us? Do we always judge a book by its cover?
Apple’s new holiday commercial showing the other side of the well known monster Frankenstein and it's devoted to reminding people that friends and family aren't the only people who might need comforting at this time of year. In the advertisement the monster trying his best to win over frightened villagers with a little holiday cheer, which makes a statement against stereotypes. I think this advertisement is effective because its targeting all ages and using rhetorical appeals to show positive message by telling the audience to "Open your heart to everyone," regarding what’s happening today in the world around us.

First of all, this advertisement is effective because all the rhetorical appeals are used, to deliver the message to all ages. Pathos is used in the advertisement when Frankenstein walks into the town square where everyone is celebrating Christmas, he screws on the bulbs, presses “Home for the Holidays’on his iPhone, and then tries to sing the quiet carol. When the green bulb goes out, a little girl approaches him to tighten it and then the whole village sings along with Frankenstein which brings the big guy to tears. Making the audience connecting with Frankenstein’s feeling and feeling the love. Pathos is used the most in this advertisement to connect with audience. Especially when the monster Frankenstein …show more content…

Using ethos to making the audience want to buy the product for loved once for the holiday or even buy one for themselves. And logos when Frankenstein uses the Iphone 7 to record the song, showing the audience how Iphone 7 looks like, knowing that most of the audience know how to use Iphones and they have background knowledge about the products and it's a reminder to buy the product or checking it

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