Rhetorical Analysis On The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime

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Little Bit of Escape to Space Being conscious of not fitting in or not being able to get involved in social circumstances is very common. However a boy with Asperger's lives in a whole different universe. A world where the audience is yet to discover, why? Mark Haddon, author of “ The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time” explores a perspective of an adolescent, Christopher, that struggles with a poor connection to the world. Haddon highlights the difficulties faced by those with Asperger's by examining Christopher's lack of understanding of figurative language, his fantasies and his inability to blend in. Aspergers is a disorder that comes with side effects. One of Christopher's difficulties is him being unable to understand facial expression and lack of feeling emotion. Although he may be oblivious towards understanding expressions and might not know of experiencing different feelings. Despite the absence of affections, he has a very captivating action of showing love to his parents. Christopher strongly dislikes being touched. Which is why him and his parents have a …show more content…

The use of figurative speech confuses him because it isn’t logical. Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable (Dictionary.com). Christopher does not get the point in why people often use metaphors when it isn’t the actual meaning of what people speak. He can't figure out the meaning because it is not the literal meaning. In his term it is better to call it a “lie” because it is not the actual context. Individuals that speak with him must use logical statements and literal meanings. It is really hard for Christopher to keep up with society and their pace of understanding. Christopher has many thoughts of going far away because of his lack of understanding. Somewhere, where he can be left alone with his

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