Rhetorical Analysis On Pope Francis

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On September 24, 2015 millions of people turned on their T.Vs to watch the first Pontiff,Pope Francis, address Congress in the White House. He spoke of capital punishment, climate change issues, immigration, abortion and poverty. Pope Francis's speech was effective in every way tying into pathos, logos and ethos ….. WORK ON THIS
Taking on a soft, yet frank tone, His Holiness starts his speech with an effective use of pathos by quoting a part in our nation’s anthem, “The land of the free, home of the brave,” In doing so, the pope made an incredibly powerful connection to the people in the United States with just a few sentences into his speech. Pope Francis appeal to the emotions of the Council when he stated that it was a responsibility for congress to serve the people whom elected them and remember why they are there. He then explains by saying that Congress’ duty was to follow Moses’ leadership examples …show more content…

He starts with addressing capital punishment. He stated that we should not ignore that life is a gift and argued that we should treat criminals with kindness and not allow their sinful actions to make us commit sin ourselves. Instead, he asks that we rehabilitation of criminals for the sake of peace and justice. The Pope also speaks on abortion and the death penalty, he speaks of the golden rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This appeals to logos as he urges us that instead of hatred, we respond with hope, peace and, justice. Following that, Pope Francis tells Americans to fight poverty. He says that a solution would be to not have greedy hearts but to distribute wealth and creating jobs. Lastly, the Pope uses logos to addresses the damage of selling lethal weapons to people who hurt others with those weapons. He calls us to stop selling guns immediately. By addressing such high priority issues, Pope Francis created an incredibly effective

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