Rhetorical Analysis On John Boeehner

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John Boehner tells the press of his hatred for Cruz saying” never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life. There have been many intra party conflicts this isn't the first, John Boehner said he would not vote for Cruz if he was a GOP presidential nominee. Boehner says that he has many friends that are republican and democratic. Boehner said he was good buddies with Trump. Cruz later tweeted “Tell me again who will stand up to Washington? Trump, who's Boehner's "texting and golfing buddy," or Carly & me? Cruz says he's never worked with boehner before, "Indeed, during the government shut down, I reached out to John Boehner, to work with him to get something meaningful done. He said, 'I have no interest in talking to you.' "

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