Fox News Argument Paper

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Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, has been in the news quite often this past month. Her claim to notoriety was her refusal to issue marriage license to gay couples in the state, despite the Supreme Court ruling gay marriage constitutional. Davis’s refusal, due to her religious beliefs, landed her five days in prison. She was released by federal district judge David Bunning, under conditions she would not interfere in any way with the efforts of her deputy clerks issuing marriage licenses. The two articles from Fox News and Huffington Post address the aftermath of this event, with Kim Davis announcing she’s switching parties from Democrat to Republican. Reporting bias between the two sites is noticeable right away. Fox News has a more …show more content…

Fox News leans right, as it uses evidence to portray Kentucky Democrats as a more conservative type of Democrat when compared to other states. Fox News also seals Kentucky’s status as a conservative state by showing that since Clinton’s election in 1996, Kentucky has maintained a status of being a Republican state, and having a Republican senate. Governor Mike Huckabee and Senator Ted Cruz are also mentioned, as they are the Fox Network’s notable candidates considering the network has a sizeable Republican audience. Huffington Post leans left as it uses more vindictive language by generally focusing on Davis’s arrest and defiance of the law. Huffington Post mentions that Davis has garnered a wide amount of support from conservative Republicans who value religious freedom. Cruz and Huckabee are also mentioned in this context, tying them to the conservative crowd. Both articles do however mention that Davis requested Democratic Governor Steve Beshear to make some changes to accommodate her beliefs but was denied much assistance, resulting in her now accusing him for her jail term. Fox News endorses a more sympathetic image of Davis, while Huffington Post endorses a more critical

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