Rhetorical Analysis Of Trumps America First

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Trumps “America First” rhetoric is indicative of his position on both domestic and foreign policy.
I believe that throughout his campaign and throughout his presidency Trump has emphasized domestic policy. The following will further examine Trumps emphasis on domestic policy as well as his rhetoric surrounding foreign policy and its implications.

In the first 100 days of his presidency Trump signed 90 executive actions including 32 executive orders, 28 presidential memoranda and 30 proclamations, compared to the 277 executive orders that his predecessor Barack Obama signed combined throughout both of his terms as President
(Harrington 2017). Of those orders and memoranda issued the majority affect domestic policy, with a portion of those …show more content…

While implementing the Affordable Care Act was one of the most important domestic policy achievements of the Obama administration the repeal and replacement of this act is what the current president believes will be critical in his domestic policy achievements and will provide Americans with affordable healthcare. According to the president and his administration the reason for this order is grounded in domestic policy and seeks to minimize the financial burdens placed on individuals and others affected by the act (Said-Moorhouse 2017). Although, this order cannot change the current law it is inline with the president's rhetoric regarding domestic policy and a way to do this is attacking the issue that the US healthcare spending is the highest in the world and he seeks to decrease this significantly although his exact plan to do this still remains …show more content…

Where these items are still at the forefront of the Trump administration's domestic policy plan, and still hold the same “America First” rhetoric they have implications when it comes to foreign policy. The “America First” slogan also applies to the “America First” foreign policy plan in which the focus of all foreign centers on securing American interests and maintaining American security (The White House 2017). Trump's executive actions involving trade and immigration domestic policy plans have the ability to undermine economic growth by negatively affecting foreign policy in the long term. We see that the Trump administration's goals to bring stability, money and jobs back to the US are inherent in all of his orders but at what cost. This could also make his other executive orders surrounding that involve the “America First” rhetoric such as rebuilding the American military and defeating ISIS and other terrorists groups more difficult. It is hard to align to save our country when you alienate other countries that you need assistance from. It is his underlying goal with these actions to increase peace and diplomacy but limiting trade and immigration could not only damage foreign relations but also reduce the amount of people who would be considered experts in their field from joining this initiative

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