Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech By Emma Watson

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Emma Watson’s Speech About Feminism Will there ever truly be and end to gender inequality? Emma Watson is not only a known actress but also identifies as a feminist . A feminist is someone who believes in the equality of the genders, and Watson makes it clear how passionate she is for both genders to be involved in feminism. Notably. Watson’s speech is mainly about the “HeForShe” campaign, which is a campaign aiming for both women and men to work together to put an end to gender inequality. Watson convinces those listening to her speech how crucial it is to be involved in feminism through ethos and logos. FIrst most, a very clear rhetorical appeal in Watson’s speech is her use of ethos. Watson’s use of ethos is show when she talks about her realizing from a young age how much sexism there is around us and how much it affects women and men, “I started questioning gender-based assumptions when at eight I was confused at being called “bossy,” because I wanted to direct the plays we put on …show more content…

When at 14 I started being sexualized by certain elements of the press. When at 15 my girlfriends started dropping out of their sports teams because they didn't want to appear “muscly”. When at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings” (Watson 1). It’s every evident about how Watson witnessed how double standards can affect everyone, her dealing with sexism is very credible as to why she would want to end gender inequality and makes us trust Watson as we listen to her educate us about how important it is for people to be willing to change the injustice. Another piece of her speech that uses ethos to convince the listener, is when Watson talk about her rights as a women, and how most of these rights hasn’t happened, “I am for Britain and think it is right that as a woman I am paid the same as my male counterparts, I think it is right that I

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