Rhetorical Analysis Mcdonalds

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Rhetorical Analysis of a McDonald’s’ Commercial The McDonald's’ commercial “He Loves Me” uses an even balance of rhetorical appeals to advertise and sell the atmosphere and lifestyle that comes with them. This is portrayed in the commercial by using pathos, logos, and ethos in a cute love story to convince the viewers to go to McDonald's’. The commercial uses ethos by creating a friendly aura and selling the type of lifestyle that comes with getting McDonald's' food. It uses logos by stating that going to McDonald's will make extraordinary things happen and your life will change. Pathos is most definitely shown from the second the commercial comes on by starting the commercial with mellow, welcoming music and a cute story; viewers are almost instantly captivated. “He Loves Me” effectively uses the rhetorical appeals ethos, logos, and pathos through a story to persuade the viewers to go to McDonald's. …show more content…

This reveals a vulnerable side of the actors and builds tension in the story to captivate readers and add credibility. When the viewers think that the girl will not get the guy or that the guy has abandoned her, viewers sympathize with her. Then the guy comes up to her and gives her the last “he loves me” fry and it is a happy ending. When this happens, trust is formed and, in the viewer’s mind, McDonald's' has to be amazing and magical. The music and the warm yellow effect made by the sun creates a cute, old-fashioned love story vibe. The everyday scene that the extras create make the commercial seem more realistic. This adds to the legitimacy of the commercial through a connection to everyday life and can convince them that something like the cute love story can happen to them too. Through making a connection with the viewers, McDonald's' has successfully captivated viewers and efficiently used

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