Revisiting the potential of ksheerapaka formulation and its applications

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The proportion of 1:15:15, on the other hand, might be useful especially for the children, geriatric and obstetrics patients, since it would enable the extraction of relatively lesser attributes of the drug in the milk. These formulations are largely indicated in various ailments with aggravated vaata and pitta doshas. They have lesser applications in diseases caused due to the aggravation of kapha dosha. It should also be noted that these formulations are particularly effective on the ‘rasa and rakta’ dhaatus and the later dhaatus of ‘asthi, majja and shukra’. The reason for this can be said to rest in the properties of milk and the corresponding attributes of the dhaatus which it nourishes. The rasa and rakta dhaatus would be particularly replenished with formulations which provide instant nourishment, largely fluid and easily assimiable in nature. The milk is also known to be ‘sadyashukrakar’, that which instantly nourishes the shukra dhaatu. The use of ksheerapaka formulations in treating several diseases affecting the ‘netra’, which is known to be produced from the essence of the majja dhaatu, is eloquent enough to justify its beneficial effect on the majja dhaatu. The commentary by Arundatta specifically refers to the use of ‘tiktaksheera basti’ (basti medication prepared by using ksheerapaka formulation of drugs of tikta rasa attribute) in the treatment of ailments of ‘asthivaha srotasa’ (~channel of the asthi dhaatu). Owing to the similarity in the fundamental ‘mahabhautic’ constitutions of the tikta rasa and the asthi dhaatu (both expressed with the predominance of vaayu and aakaash mahabhuta), and the fact that the attribute of the tikta rasa, which aggravates the vaata dosha is inherently detrimental to the healing of a... ... middle of paper ... ...tration of vidanga (Embelia ribes Burm.F.) and shunthi ksheerapaka to the neonatal in case of failed lactation is commonly accepted in Indian households. C) The administration of shunthi ksheerapaka, haridra ksheerapaka (Curcuma longa) or the vardhamana pippali ksheerapaka as supplementary therapies in kaasa, swarabheda (~hoarseness of voice) and shvaasa (~asthama) afflictions is also well known. This study aims at being a reminder of sort for the clinicians to restore the use and explore the vast possibilities of application of ‘siddha ksheera’ in daily practice. Considering the nourishing and restorative effect of this particular formulation on almost all the dhaatus from rasa to shukra, the importance of use of ksheerapaka in the diseases affecting children, age old individuals, pregnant ladies and patients suffering from malnutrition cannot be underestimated.

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