Revealing Human Nature

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In every piece of classic literature, there appears a defining characteristic in terms of style. For F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby, the foremost element that can easily be recognized and appreciated is his utilization of rich, intricate language that develops into multi dimensional imagery throughout the novel. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald utilizes his mastery of imagery, notably in respect to color, in order to explore and reveal the complexities of human nature by thoroughly and meticulously describing not only what is experienced by the narrator through all five senses, but also by going into a deeper level of human emotion and psyche.

In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald employs eloquent diction and syntax in order to create vivid images in the reader’s mind, not only by describing scenes and physical appearances, but also by examining and bringing to life human emotion and playing into the idea of auras. Often Fitzgerald uses the narrator, Nick Caraway, to give insight into seemingly simple observations of human nature particularly regarding flaws and individual perspective. For instance, at one point Nick recounts, “…high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets…I was within and without simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.” (Fitzgerald 35). Not only does Fitzgerald masterfully set the scene visually through the implementation of color, but he also empowers Nick with a voice that allows the reader to feel his emotions and see into his thought process by describing a situation and feeling that many human beings can relate to. Secrecy in itself is a matter of great discomfort an...

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...does he master the common form of imagery in description using the five senses, but he also delves into the world of inner human thought and sentiment. Fitzgerald’s imagery dives into the issues that have surrounded human nature throughout history including morality, flaws, instinct, and perspective in a new manner. The reader is taken through a simple story that follows characters in their daily trials involving love, jealously, and leisure, but in doing so through Nick Caraway’s eyes, the deceivingly straightforward actions become much more. From Fitzgerald using his skill to explore human nature through his narrator’s thoughts and observations of the world around him to his use of color imagery to represent more than meets the eye about personality and emotion, The Great Gatsby is truly a novel of the ages that reveals the innermost complexities of human life.

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