Resurrection Of Jesus Christ Research Paper

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The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most discussed events in all of history. Some would consider it the most important miracles of all time. For Christians it is the one event that serves as the basis for all of their religious claims. Paul, a prominent leader in the early Church, wrote about the resurrection and how the Christians faith is vain without it (1 Corinthians 15:13). The resurrection proves that Jesus was the Son of God and that his sacrifice was sufficient for the forgiveness of sin (Romans 1:4; 3:25-26). The resurrection was the basis for all the apostles preaching in the early Church. This is seen clearly throughout the book of Acts. Throughout the gospels Jesus predicts his death and resurrection. Without Jesus’ resurrection believers would not be filled with the Holy Spirit (John 14:28). The resurrection provides hope for all who …show more content…

Since the resurrection is attested to be a miracle, this paper will address their possibility as well. It will start by discussing the preliminary issue of presuppositions. One will be challenged to assess his or her worldview so as to enter into the discussion with as little bias as possible. Next, terms and definitions will be discussed. The reader must understand how each side interprets the terms and ideas used in the discussion. Then, a brief survey of the argument’s development over the course of history will be provided. A discussion of David Hume’s particular argument will be discussed as well. Before an apologetic method is practiced or developed, two approaches will be assessed. Finally, an integrative apologetic method will be presented and implemented, hopefully illustrating the strength’s of the apologetic approaches discussed in the previous section. This paper, once again, is an attempt to provide an apologetic response to the issue of miracles, specifically the

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