Response Bias Research Essay

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The question that I am trying to answer is “Can the wording of a question create response bias?”
I chose this question as the topic of response bias project because I wanted to figure out how using unfamiliar or uncertain words affect subjects’ answer and to demonstrate the effect of both the response and wording of the question bias.

[Survey Questions]
In order to seek to answer the question if the wording of a question creates response bias or not, I used Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) which is also known as water. Since using unfamiliar or uncertain words might affect people’s response, I added the same information regarding disadvantages of using DHMO and water before the questions and replace the word of DHMO to water.

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In contrast, people will answer that (No) water should not be banned since they all are familiar to uses of water in daily life as drinking, cleaning, in agriculture, in industries and know the much greater benefit and importance of water.

I encountered very few problems, since there were no difficulties when I compiled and analyzed the data. One minor issue I faced was the difficulty that one of the respondents who answered question A already knew the dihydrogen monoxide, and it might have lead inaccurate results. After I faced this situation, I realized that I should have asked every respondent if they know the word of dihydrogen monoxide or not before asking them to read the question A. For this situation, I just asked her to continue reading and to answer the question. Honestly, I am still not sure how to deal with this situation is

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