Respiratory Alkalosis Essay

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Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis happens when the lungs can’t remove enough of the carbon dioxide produced by the body. Excess CO2 causes the pH of blood and other bodily fluids to decrease, making them too acidic. The body is able to balance the ions that control acidity. This balance is measured on a pH scale from 0 to 14. Acidosis occurs when the pH of the blood falls below 7.35. The normal blood pH level is between 7.35 and 7.45. Respiratory acidosis is typically caused by an underlying disease. The lungs take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood and carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the lungs. Although, sometimes the lungs can’t remove enough CO2. This may be due to a decrease …show more content…

Alveolar hyperventilation causes a decreased partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO2). The decrease in PaCO2 increases the ratio of bicarbonate concentration to PaCO2 which increases the pH level. The decrease in PaCO2 develops when a strong respiratory stimulus causes the respiratory system to remove more carbon dioxide than is produced. Respiratory alkalosis can be acute or chronic. Acute respiratory alkalosis is when the PaCO2 level is below the lower limit of normal and the serum pH is alkalemic. Chronic respiratory alkalosis is when the PaCO2 level is below the lower limit of normal, but the pH level is relatively normal or near normal. Respiratory alkalosis is the most common acid-base abnormality observed in patients who are critically ill. It is associated with numerous illnesses and is a common finding in patients on mechanical ventilation. Many cardiac and pulmonary disorders can occur with respiratory alkalosis. When respiratory alkalosis is present, the cause may be a minor or non–life-threatening disorder. However, more serious disease processes should also be considered in the differential diagnosis (Byrd, 2017). Hyperventilation is most likely the underlying cause of respiratory alkalosis. Hyperventilation is also known as over breathing (O’Connell, 2017).
Compensatory mechanisms for respiratory alkalosis happens if respiratory alkalosis lasts …show more content…

This can be attributed to excess vomiting, overuse of diuretics, adrenal disease, a large loss of potassium or sodium in a short amount of time, antacids, accidental ingestion of bicarbonate, laxatives, and alcohol abuse (Khan, Cherney, 2017).
For compensatory mechanisms to work we would need to hypo ventilate in order to retain CO2, but stimulation of brain chemoreceptors with an elevated PaCO2 blunts the hypoventilation required to fully correct the pH. As a result, the respiratory system can only help retain CO2 to no greater than 50-55 mm Hg to compensate for the metabolic alkalosis (UCR, 2017).

Carbon dioxide levels need to return to normal if you have respiratory alkalosis. If you have rapid breathing caused by anxiety, taking slow, deep breaths can often improve symptoms and regulate your oxygen level. If tests reveal that you have a low oxygen level, you’ll need to receive oxygen through a mask. If your rapid breathing is caused by pain, then treating the pain will help bring your respiratory rate back to normal and improve your symptoms. If your alkalosis is caused by a loss of chemicals such as chloride or potassium, you’ll be prescribed medications or supplements to replace these chemicals. In some cases of alkalosis, the result is an electrolyte imbalance, which may be corrected by drinking plenty of fluids or drinks that contain electrolytes. If you have an advanced case of

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