Research proposal: A commentary on child abuse ang neglect

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The word “care” seems to be one of the most frequently used terms in the literature related to four sections of people mainly- women, children, people with disability and the elderly. Among these sections, young persons are thought to be of vital importance pertaining to the varied conventional notions of them as “future” of the society.
‘Care’, in Bubeck’s (1995) words is ‘an emotional state or an activity or a combination of the two’. She defines it in two aspects: o Caring about-( the emotional state) o Caring for – (the activity)
As long as we conceive young persons as in need of care, the issue of neglect and abuse cannot be understood without considering the aspect put forth by Bubeck(1995) and Gilligan (1982) in their seminal works. Gilligan discuss the conditions when one has an obligation to care: when a relationship exists; when a need for care exists and when one has the ability to provide care. Thus, a state of lack of care can be said to be associated with risk factors of child abuse and neglect in the case of young individuals.
The notion of care is related to the overall well-being of a child. As a part of the ongoing attempts to categorize and quantify and structuring data in statistical terms, the idea of “Child well being index” emerged during the 90s as part of the global interventions with regard to children.

Child well being index as a starting point:
The idea of child well-being and deprivation was theoretically framed and structured around the following principles as a part of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC, 1989):
• Rights-Based Approach
• The principle of the best interest of the child
• The principle of survival and development
• Respect for the view of the child
The index gave an ...

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