Research Paper On Volatile

590 Words2 Pages

Hello, Ana. I’m shopping for an editor who does both line and developmental edits. I have completed a 78,000 word new adult, paranormal novel titled Volatile.

Volatile tells the story of Maricel, a twenty-two year old actress who gets romantically involved with a watcher to learn he is the leader of the Lemurian Order -a secret society conspiring the annihilation of mankind. She must escape and stop them before their prophecy comes to fruition destroying her realm.
Below I’ve attached a 500 word sample from my novel.
The sky darkened for the day, and the stars illuminated the smog filled sky. A sudden flash of light streaked across the skyline. I hoped it would not storm. Although rain seemed undesirable at the moment, I understood California could use the water with the severe drought. Sighing, and turning to leave, I glanced up at the sky. …show more content…

Even though the sight I beheld was more than daunting, something about it inexorably drew me.
I bolted up the hiking trail almost fracturing my legs as I fell. Undeterred, I sprung up bounding. In that precise moment, nothing else mattered, but that light. My knees grew weaker buckling as I dashed like I lost every piece of sanity left.
A glorious light enveloped me as he ascended from the heavens. The orb formed into a being crouched on its haunches blocking me from moving forward, and the ground beneath my feet vibrated. I fell upon my face almost sliding downhill. The large obsidian wings cloaked the beings face as he stood. Pulling his wings apart, he gave me a full view of his countenance.
When he turned toward me, my eyes stung from his brightness and a violent gust of wind encircling him whipped back my hair. The entity wore a long dark cerulean trench coat adorned with Hebrew inscriptions that matched his eyes that twinkled like stars in the night

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