Research Paper On Transgender Discrimination

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Transgender discrimination is growing problem. Statistics say that about 0.3% of the world's population is transgender, and that out of that 0.3%, about 41% of them have attempted suicide because of discrimination and being scared. Most transgenders have or will experience some sort of discrimination throughout their lifetime. Transgenders have been discriminated against daily for the past few years. They are being arrested and forced out of bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice, and many of them are now suing schools, police stations, and businesses for these discriminations.

The transgender population has been through alot in the past couple decades. To begin with, the first official gender alignment surgery was successfully performed …show more content…

Fifty-two years later, many things have changed including being more open about their sexuality. Transgenders are discriminated against daily now because they have just recently come out to the public about being transgender, because of this some their rights are being taken away. The main problems transgenders have to face today are in bathrooms, locker rooms, schools and businesses.

Most disputes with transgenders are in bathrooms, locker rooms and schools. Many people find the fact that transgenders being allowed in locker rooms and bathrooms with their spouses and children, plain out disgusting. Many transgenders have been kicked out of bathrooms and locker rooms by police because someone complained or noticed that they were transgender. There also have been many citizens revolting against bills and laws to make sure transgenders aren't able to to go into the bathroom or locker rooms of their choice. On this matter one man said, “That is filthy and disgusting, letting men go into women's restrooms and locker rooms. (Jones12)”. But what most of these people don't realize is that transgenders feel and act as though they are the opposite sex, and that they have the opposite sexes parts. So for example if a male who is transgender went into a woman's locker room

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