Research Paper On Mall Shootings

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About three shootings has occurred on three separate occasions in the Peachtree Mall in less than two months. One which involved a 16 years old girl got shot in the back and her friend got hit in the face with the pistol,another where a gunshot was fired from a shopper’s pocket to the mall floor, and the most tragic one of all involved the attack in which a man ended up dead. Let’s take into consideration the fact that during these shootings, thousands of people were present in the mall area. The use of guns and weapons by citizens of the United States for the purpose of self-defence is a right given to all Americans according to the Constitution and the Second Amendment. There has been a lot of cases, both on the federal and state …show more content…

If people felt safe in the society where they live,they would be no need for guns in the first place. People get guns for different reasons.Guns are dangerous, they are no two ways about it. Some get guns because they are worried about the safety of their families and properties,and others get guns not because they have a need for it,but because the Second Amendment allows for them to keep and bear them. I do think that the process of buying and owning a gun should be stricter Guns can be easily accessed by people that should not be able to have them.The system needs to require stricter mental health evaluations and background checks, in my opinion.It is true that this is America, and firearms are what got this country its freedom, it is also true that people misuse this right. People have a right to guns,yes but It is not always about your rights, it is more of a responsibility than a right. It's about eliminating the abuses of that right so that people can feel safe. If guns don’t get to the wrong hands in the first place,they would be no need for people to feel the need to own a gun to protect themselves from attacks.Conservatives seem to think that pro-gun control is about trying to take away their guns, I do not think that is true, I think it is more about trying to regulate and monitor who gets access to weapons,to make sure the people are not criminals, and are mentally and emotionally stable to prevent tragic situations like mass shootings, from

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