Research Paper On How Disneyland Has Changed My Life

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Disneyland has changed my life entirely. The amusement park that Walt Disney created is a phenomenal place that has given me some of the greatest memories in my life. No year would be complete without going to Disneyland during Spring Break. It is truly one of the greatest places ever to visit in the entire world. Disneyland has changed my life because it brings my family together, it saves my family money when we go, and it is a safe place to go if you want to go have fun, yet safe place that will give you have memories you will never forget. The first reason why Disneyland has changed my life is because, it always brings my family together. At home, my family is a wreck. My two sisters, Marissa and Jessica, always fight with my brother, Jared, and my parents always yell at us, even if we did not do anything wrong. However, when we go to Disneyland, we bond closer than ever before. When we go on rides, we talk, laugh, and enjoy ourselves because the rides are a blast. When we are in line for California Screamin' or the Golden Zephyr, My mom always tells us how scared she is to go on the ride. My dad …show more content…

It actually costs more to go on a trip to see our cousin's in Vermont than going to Disneyland. I have been to Disneyland five times in my life and the total cost for all trips was about $20,000 for three nights and four days. My family has visited my cousin's house three times and the total cost for all the trips was about $16,500 for only two nights and three days. That means Disneyland costs about $4,000 for each trip and a trip to our cousin's house in Vermont costs exactly $4,125. That is totally ridiculous. It also helps that a Captain's Suite at Disneyland costs less than the five star hotel we stay at in Vermont. I think next year my family should just go to Disneyland and postpone our trip to Vermont to save

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