Research Paper On Ernest Hemingway

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From Boy to Man Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899. He was an ambulance driver in World War 1, he use's theme experiences in his writings. After he graduated he reported for the The Kansas City Star"Becnel" for only a few months which got him to start his writing career. When he got back he wrote his first book about his wartime experiences the book is called "A Farewell to Arms". Ernest was married 3 different times in his life. He was almost killed when he went to Africa for a safari in two plane crashes and if he would have died we would have so many great amazing stories from him" Becnel" . Ernest wrote 32 books and stories in his life including "Indian Camp" it's about a boy and his father out camping and the boy seeing his dad have to give birth to a Indian child that his mom was having problems.Ernest Hemingway in the story "Indian Camp" uses child birth and suicide to show the theme maturity and coming of age which his dad tried to do when he was younger …show more content…

He was a heavy drinker and liked to be out doors I think that's another reason that it influences in this story. He was also married to 3 different times before he found his last wife" Oliver". Ernest wrote his first book when he got back from the war, which he was an ambulance driver. He also liked writhing about nature. Hemingway's father was a doctor and like going hunting and fishing and taking Ernest with him to show him the beauty of nature in the

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