Research Paper Description

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The main research question of this thesis can be formulated as follows:

What are the communicative trajectories of foetal wellbeing assessments using expert ultrasound technology during routine antenatal encounters between sonographers and pregnant women?

This can be subdivided further as follows:

1. What are the features of sonographers’ communication during the first stage/booking encounter (first trimester) and the normality scan encounter (second trimester) in terms of structural, interactional and thematic organisation (see Chapter 4)?

2. What communicative strategies do sonographers draw upon to offer reassurance to pregnant women during the first stage/booking encounter (see Chapter 5)?

3. How are reassurances of normal foetal features communicated by sonographers to pregnant women during the 20-week gestation stage (see Chapter 6)?

4. How do sonographers provide explanations about risk and uncertainty and respond to questions raised by pregnant women during the ultrasound scan encounters (see Chapter 7)?1.4 Overview of chapters

The rest of this chapter provides an outline (context and scene setting) of the research area that is followed by a background of the U.K. maternity care provision. The literature looks at the experiences of pregnant women, the advancements in ultrasound technology and the professional role of sonographers.

Chapter 2 will draw on the sociological notions of normality, risk, uncertainty and reassurance within biomedicine. I argue that a societal emphasis on foetal development and a healthy baby have embraced the medicalisation of pregnancy using technological advancements. These prenatal screening processes have opened differing opinions relating to ‘quality control’, authoritativ...

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...nd 9 include two entire case studies, which are contrastive to demonstrate the strategic approach used by the sonographer to give information about a scan finding, are shown. In chapter 9, a shorter extract from a 3/4D video-recorded ultrasound scan encounter will show a pregnant woman raising a specific topic, thereby voicing her concerns and seeking reassurance. The case studies include non-verbal elements noted during the scan as the pregnant woman views the image of her foetus and closely follows the sonographer’s comments about the image.

Chapter 10 draws conclusions and summarises the main analytical findings of this study, its limitations and future directions for research. The research questions are considered systematically in order to explain how sonographers provide information to reassure parents about foetal wellbeing, normality and abnormality.

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