Research Paper About An Event That Changed Your Life

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Has an event changed your life or the way you think about life? A big event for me has to be attending college for the first time after high school. Having time management for every class is a most. With new classes, responsibilities come with them. Dealing with a place that I was already used to four years and then having to go to a new school is hard.

Time management is a big skill mow in college. Since everything is due on a specific day without making no exemption. I have to manage time with school and work something that I did not have to do in high school and is new to me. With college, you must make sure to have the time to complete everything because if you do not, then it may cause for you to fail the class. Coming to college has been more stressful than attending high school. Since now I know that I have to put the effort in everything I do. With just a few weeks I have been in college it has changed me with managing my time on focusing on more important things rather than things that don’t matter. At first, leaving everything to the last minute was something I did now I like to do everything ahead of time in order to fix any errors that I may have. Also to have …show more content…

I think this is why this event has changed my life because it’s hard to get used to something new. Being in high school was easy with little work to do and still graduate. Even if you did not pass classes you would still be able to retake them in the summer. There was always a way to pass any class, now in college, you must try to pass does classes because there is not an essay way out. Over time college is going to feel the same or close to high school. Just with different changes that I could get used to. For high school my motivation has been just to graduate, now my motivation is still to graduate but to graduate with a degree in my desired

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