Research Essay

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Video games improve your brain power.Video games can train parts of your brain, improve your multi-tasking skills, improve your eyesight, and improve your thinking skills.
“Video games can train parts of your brain. Our paper shows that cognitive flexibility, a cornerstone of human intelligence, is not a static trait but can be trained and improved using fun learning tools like gaming.”(Playing video games can boost brain power - myScience / news …). Video games can train your brain. “‘Previous research has demonstrated that action video games, such as Halo, can speed up decision making but the current work finds that real-time strategy games can promote our ability to think on the fly and learn from past mistakes,’ said researcher Dr. Brian Glass from Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences.” ( Many games can improve on your brain. “Research published earlier this year in the same journal found that playing video games may prevent and even reverse deteriorating brain functions such as memory, reasoning and visual processing.” ( Games can make your brain last longer. “The University of Iowa study of hundreds of people age 50 and older found that those who played a video game were able to improve a range of cognitive skills and reverse up to seven years of age-related decline.” ( Video games can make your brain improve even at an old age.
“Video games i...

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...tex, according to Sergio's fMRI studies. That's an area of the brain specialized for planning, attention and multitasking.”(Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills : NPR). That means that video games have made their brain better. “Gamers, Bavelier has also found, have better attention than non-gamers — they stay focused.”(Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills : NPR). Video games have improved their attention span. “She gave gamers several tests to measure attention and found that gamers get less distracted by what came before and by events in their surroundings.”(Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills : NPR). Gamers have improved on the attention part of their brain.
Video games improve your brainpower. Video games can improve your multi-tasking skills, your eyesight, your thinking skills, and can train parts of your brain.

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