Religions in the World: Christianity and Hinduism

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Out of all the different beliefs in the world today, Hinduism is a religion that seems different and interesting. Hinduism is one of the oldest living religions in the world. The religion is over 4,000 years old. Hinduism was originated in India and the religion’s first known believers were known as the ancient people, the Aryans (Hinduism). Like most religions in the universe, Hinduism is unique in its own way. Hinduism is unique because it did not start off as a religion. Hinduism was actually a culture for people in India and then later turned into a religion (Hinduism on Fun Facts).
Hinduism believers think different than others. The followers believe there is one supreme absolute in the entire world. He would be known as Brahman. Although Hindus believe in Brahman being the only absolute, it does not promote the worship of just this deity. They actually believe that there are thousands of gods and goddesses of Hinduism that represent the aspects of Brahman. This means the faith of Hinduism is characterized by multiple of idols. The most known and important deities of Hinduism though are the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva - all being the creator, the preserver, and the destroyer. Not only to Hindus look at these three as important roles in their religion, but they also worship animals, trees, and spirits (Das).
The trio that they really focus on consists of three gods that are responsible the beginning of Hinduism, the up keep of the world, and the destruction of the world. The names of the three gods are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. All three of them having three different roles. Brahma’s job was to create the world and all the creatures on it. He was the first god of the Hinduism religion. Vishnu is the preserver of the ...

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...s and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments, and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas and Gods. Also Hindus believe that a spiritually awakened master is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute. The eighth belief is that all life is scared. The last belief the Hindus share is to believe that no particular religion teacher the only way to salvation. (“9 Basic Hindu Beliefs”)
Hinduism is a very popular religion. There are believed to be close to 900 million followers around the world and the number continues to rise. Hinduism is one of the three largest religions in the universe, falling short behind Christianity and Islam. Hinduism is most popular in India, where the religion was founded. Hinduism seems very interesting to most. Most individuals believe that the religion will continue to be practiced and gain followers throughout the world.

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