Relational Leadership Summary

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Moreover, Zhu, Newman, Miao, and Hooke (2013) went as far as to examine the different forms of trust and how they mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and positive organizational outcomes. They discovered that affective trust (as compared to cognitive trust) led to the desired organizational outcomes that are associated with transformational leadership. Thus affective trust is a variable that explains why transformational leadership has such a beneficial impact on an organization (Zhu et al., 2013).
In addition, it has been found that the correlation between the levels of discernment the team has of the supervisor’s transformational leadership and job satisfaction was mediated by intra team trust (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler, …show more content…

This is where relational leadership comes into play within team trust literature. Relational leadership is another leadership behaviour that has been examined relative to trust building within teams. This form of leadership is exemplified by leaders whom nurture and promote communication as well as collaboration within the team (Carmeli, Ben-Hador, Waldman, & Rupp, 2009). Carmeli, Tishler, and Edmonton (2011) examined how relational leadership as exhibited by CEO’s impacts decision making in teams. The results from this study illustrated that when CEO’s who embodied a relational leadership style led top management teams there was a greater level of trust among the members of the team. This greater level of intra team trust was then correlated with improved strategy in decision-making (Carmerli et al., 2011). The team was better able to learn from their failures when they trusted each other thus improving their strategic decision making quality. Although this study was focused on a specific type of team (top management teams), the findings are built upon a strong theoretical foundation (Carmeli et al., 2011). Therefore, relational leadership is another leadership behaviour that is effective in promoting trust amongst team members and ultimately leading to positive outcomes within an

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