Reflective Portfolio Letter

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Reflective Portfolio Letter

Mr. Kronzer, I have met the requirements of the goals for this class. I have the understanding and practice of; incorporating a variety of rhetorical strategies, composing effective transfer level essays, synthesizing concepts and evidence from complex texts and sources; evaluating arguments for logical consistencies and fallacies, assessing complex texts for audience, purpose, tone, and development, integrating sources using appropriate citation and formatting standards, and constructing grammatically correct sentences employing a variety of structures and transfer level diction. One way I learned and got practice is from doing the projects, like the Literacy Narrative essay, the Academic Discourse Community project, and the Research project. The readings also were a learning tool, like Jay-Z Decoded, Mother Tongue, Navigating Genres, and Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced …show more content…

The ideas of them were just in the back of my mind and didn't think about them when I wrote. I tried a mix them into the research paper, mainly logos and ethos. There are three rhetorical strategies, we discussed them in class; logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos is trying to persuade someone while using deductive reasoning. With logos, I used lots of facts and statistics to further my argument. Ethos is proving that I am a reliable writer and I did that by citing the were I got the information from. I also reminded respectful with my argument and I made the essay organized, so that way it seemed like I was level headed and that I had an understanding of what I was talking about. Pathos is to use emotion to persuade someone to agree with an argument. I didn’t really use this one in my essay and it is the least used strategies when it comes to writing things for classes. I always use ethos and logos for argumentative or persuasive

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