Reflective Essay: Why Baseball Is Important To Me

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When i started playing baseball i thought it would be a hard sport and I thought I would give up. Then I was told I was good at it and my mom makes me play every year. I been playing Baseball for 12 years never had a season off. Then i played football for 5 years.

My first game ever in baseball my mom told me that I was nervous but i couldn’t go anywhere. Then i started to like the sport and my dad started working with me to get better. He threw to me and I attempted to hit the ball. My dad has been pitching the ball to me since I was 3. I used to go outside with my uncle and run to get faster then i gained weight and i became slower and slower. I started off playing first base and catcher. Now in highschool i play catcher and third base. Third base is the hardest position i ever played in my life.
I played in Alabama,California, and Washington D.C. Ever since I played in other States I had coaches look at me and I didn’t even know was looking at me. I learned that I had to play my best because i never know who is watching me. I play my hardest every time i have a game. I treat baseball practices like games. Every time i go up to bat i focus and I don’t like when people talk to me when im playing baseball or any sport that i have big dreams for.

I also thought i was going to fail football. When i first started playing football it seemed like too much. When i went to my first practice i wanted to give up because it was to much running. I didn’t know anything about football because when i was younger all i knew was baseball. So it was hard for me to get used to playing football. Then i got on the team and got my pads and stuff like that and i didn’t understand what to do what to do. I started playing with kids that knew what they was doing and i didn’t know what to

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