Reflective Essay On The Vietnam War

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I sat on my front porch steps, eating my lunch and watching the cars zoom by. I was beginning to become upset by sitting on the couch with my family, watching television. There was no more family game show night; it was now only news coverage of the Vietnam War. From news teams on the front lines to news anchors talking about the war, like it was an overview of sports game. I outraged that my parents found this entertaining and continued to watch the reportage, even though all of the coverage was gruesome and disgusting. I hated war, and I hate the Vietnam War even more. It was pointless, and I have a feeling that the United States will not be triumphant this time. The next day, I woke up and got ready for school. I quickly snatched my bagged lunch and book bag, and headed for the door. It was Wednesday, which meant I was not going straight home after school and that made me really excited for school to end. After the final bell chimed, I began to walk home. Instead of continuing on the route for home, I turned and went the meeting for the Independent Student Union on the local college campus. I loved being part of the Independent Student Union, because it gave me a chance to hang out with the predominantly college students, but also voice my opinions of the Vietnam War. We were originally founded as the Student Peace Union in …show more content…

I was heartbroken, sickened, and appalled by how Americans could have done such a thing to a harmless village. It also disgusted me that the pictures of dead civilians were published, and obtainable for people to see. A man sitting next to me pointed to the front page of a newspaper he had in his hands, and on it was a picture from the massacre. I could not believe that journalism was able to do that now. Televisions we relatively new in this age, and now anything was able to be seen by the general public, even dead bodies. I began to think if these images were being displayed on television, and if not,

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