Reflective Essay On Liberal Education

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For the past 8 years, I’ve lived in a town with a smaller population than some of my friends’ high school graduating classes. I loved those 8 years, but living in such a tight-knit community has its limitations. For example, out of 49 students in my class, I was the only one to leave the state of Arkansas, or even go to a private university. Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with staying close to home, that’s the comfortable and convenient choice, and that choice was nearly mine as well. However, I visited Baylor and I immediately knew that this was the place I wanted to spend the next four years. It felt like home and I haven’t regretted my decision once. I think that it was a combination of family and community that encouraged …show more content…

The most interesting reading was Major Decisions. In the very last paragraph, James Burtchaell writes, “...the good times were the hundreds of hours when I got lost in the stacks at the library and read my fascinated way through an education that no one had planned, but was lavishly provided.” The best education a student can receive is one they construct themselves. I believe that the BIC is teaching me how to connect different subjects and think critically, which will serve me well in my future …show more content…

However, I believe I’m able to also keep an open mind when listening to others from different backgrounds and with different . Even after only 4 weeks at Baylor, I’ve become so much more aware of the world around me, and because of that, some of my opinions have evolved. I hope that I can use my strengths to influence others around me to also keep an open mind when conversing with those who have contrasting opinions. I agree with Stokes that not everyone is entitled to their own opinion, given that their “opinion” is expected to be considered the absolute

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