My Philosophy Of Education Reflection Paper

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When I imagine teaching, I reflect to when I walked into a classroom for the very first time. My entire life had been leading up to this point; I was nervous, I had no idea what to expect and nothing but experience would help me through my journey of education. As a teacher, I believe the same is true. No amount of papers, late night study sessions, hands on experience or even a certification that says I am qualified will prepare me more than learning as I go. I will not go in blind, but I will have much to learn when I step into my classroom for the first time. I must go in with a plan, a goal and philosophy. My philosophy of education entails my beliefs about teaching, learning, students and education. My philosophies of education will be the driving force that continues to push me farther in my career. As a future educator, my time to prepare my classroom and who I want to be begins now. …show more content…

There will always be mandatory lessons in the curriculum, but the lessons that students learn outside of the classroom are the most valuable. Curriculum appears to be an inconvenience in today’s education. Students learn at different paces, levels and styles. While I am a firm believer in educating all of my students, I feel that being required to teach a set list of topics puts a strain on teachers. This is not to say I would not teach to my best ability, I feel that I will have little room to teach the way I wish to and still accomplish teaching the curriculum.
Students must learn to be responsible, respectful, open minded, and honest. I believe that there are no greater lessons than life lessons. I will possess the ability to teach my students how to be role models in society and that is a reason in itself to wake up each morning and teach. There will be the best and worst days of your life; these are not important once you step into the school

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