Reflective Essay On Health And Social Care

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Bould et al (1993) suggests that reflective is an important human activity in which people recollect their experience, think about it, think it over and weigh it. Up. Kidd (1996) also identifies that professional development begins from a course of reflection on where things are, where we would like to get to and how we get there. Reflection in working lives is about momentum and focus which is about change and improvement in social work practice. SCIE Social Care Institute for Excellence says partnership work is a necessity in practice, determined by policy, legislation and guidance. There is a strong commitment to partnership work in social work education, grounded in a philosophy and value base at the core of practice. The involvement of people who use services and their carers has gradually emerged since the 1980s, supported by social changes such as a greater emphasis on rights and an awareness of social exclusion. Thompson (2000) states that social justice is about individuals, groups and communities, having rights and entitlements based on the notion of equality of treatment, access and inclusion. Parker (2010) states that people who use social work services are often among some of the most vulnerable in society. …show more content…

Working and respecting the roles and expertise of workers from other agencies and working in partnership with them. Collaboration with people, who use services and their families, is to work openly and cooperatively with colleagues and treating them with respect. Whilst ensuring that relevant colleagues and agencies are informed about the outcomes and implications of risk assessments. To respect and, where appropriate, promoting the individual views and wishes of both users and

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