Reflective Essay On Accountability

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At the beginning of the semester stated that accountability is one area in life I need to further develop. As I look back and truly think about the meaning of accountability I realize that I have grown in this area. However, there is always room for improvement and I think the next step in my journey in becoming a great therapist would be learning about professional duty. Learning how to be a professional in this role meaning stepping out into the clinic and take on that role, which will happen in a few years, but I can still brush up and learn about how I can prepare myself for that role. I believe my strengths are compassion caring, integrity, social responsibility as well as some accountability, but I know that from these I still need to …show more content…

Some of my reflections that I stated were, “I am hard working, self determined, honest, kind, and sympathetic. I am sometimes a perfectionist which makes it hard to make mistakes because I choose to look at those mistakes as failure not learning opportunities, this only hinders my ability to learn and move on from that mistake. I am passionate about things that I do in life giving it my best effort”(Myself). I have learned how I handle stress, what trigger these feeling of being overwhelmed and out of control of situations. Figure out different techniques and ways to revert the onset of stressful situations, so I wont feel overwhelmed in the end is very important, not only because there could be mental and physical break downs from it, but also so my work as a student and a future therapist wont be affected form it. I have also shown myself that I like to see the good in people and chose to give them second and third chances, but then again I have also learned how to not be naive when giving them these chances. Lastly, I have learned that I am one that puts on a hard outer shell so that people to not see my weaknesses and vulnerabilities, which can sometime be good when dealing with some patients or people in

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