Reflective Account Of A Man Found Murdered

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This reflective account will discuss my contribution to solving a fictional crime involving a ‘Man Found Murdered’ which was given as a task for the group to present as a powerpoint presentation outlining our findings. While I was overwhelmed by my nerves at the prospect of doing a presentation, I had an optimistic outlook about it. This is because, I like to reach outside my own comfort zone as I find it rewarding. In the sense it helps me express myself and come to terms that the ability to talk to people is vital in any future career. From the very beginning, we as a group had the same mindset and common goal which was always to make sure the task was completed to the best of our ability to produce excellent results. This was evident from the feedback sheet showing how the group had a clear understanding and firm grasp of the information that were to be discussed with in the presentation. The fact that the group members had previous been involved in team work made it more of a friendly atmosphere. …show more content…

This made the group effective and efficient because a clear vision was formed helping us advance. We decided each members deadline and with help from the team leader we were able to organise the work evenly allowing each member of the group to have a real contribution to the overall presentation. This was a crucial element, because it made sure the team members were considered equal and therefore allows tasks to be fulfilled. As a result, it set up some positive dynamics where the group became more productive than one individual. For example, tasks were set based on strengths and weaknesses allowing the group to find what feels comfortable for

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