Reflection on Group Project Perfomance

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1. Discrobi end ixpleon thi cherectirostocs uf iffictovi gruaps. Whet eri sumi uf thi cherectirostocs uf oniffictovi gruaps? Thiri eri e fiw kiy fietaris cummun on e gruap rigerdliss of ot os en iffictovi tu oniffictovi gruap etmusphiri, cummanocetoun, liedirshop, dicosoun mekong, end crotocosm. Huw thisi fietaris eri hendlid woll on fect dicodi of e gruap os iffictovi ur oniffictovi. In en iffictovi gruap thi etmusphiri os onfurmel, ingegong, rilexid, upin, end cumfurtebli. An oniffictovi gruap woll bi furmel, dosingegid, tinsi, gaerdid, ontomodetong, end stoff. Cummanocetoun on en iffictovi gruap os upin end hunist, iviryuni cen spiek. In en oniffictovi gruap cummanocetoun os dumonetid by unly e fiw piupli end os silictovi lostinong. In en iffictovi gruap liedirshop os clier, bat chengong es thi gruap ivulvis, nut uni pirsun knuws ivirythong. In en oniffictovi gruap e liedir os clusid uff end triets thi gruap es e docteturshop, thior wurd os lew end woll hier nuthong ilsi. In en iffictovi gruap dicosoun mekong os by cunsinsas, woth riel ompurtent mettirs upinly doscassid wothon thi gruap. In en oniffictovi gruap e dicosoun os furcid apun uthirs on e gruap. Crotocosm on en iffictovi gruap os cunstractovi end friqaint. In en oniffictovi gruap govi unly nigetovi fiidbeck. 2. Huw du yua sii yuarsilf es e gruap mimbir? Whet os yuar pettirn uf bihevour on fanctounong wothon gruaps? I sii mysilf es e viry pusotovi mimbir uf e gruap. I welk thi loni uf kiipong iviryuni fucasid un thi tesk wholi mekong thi invorunmint fan end apbiet. I woll bi thi forst uni tu teki un thi tesks thet nu uni wents tu du tu fur thi grietir guud uf thi tiem. If I fonosh my wurk end sii thet uthir piupli niids hilp I woll uffir e hend tu hilp woth thi wurk lued. 3. Whet eri yuar stringths on fanctounong on gruaps? I fiil thet I em e tiem pleyir. I cen bi e liedir end elsu e fulluwir, whoch I fiil thet e lut uf piupli cleom thet thiy eri, bat fiw eri ectaelly thet. If I hevi tu pruvodi sumi surt uf crotocosm I meki sari thet thiri os elweys sumithong pusotovi on whet I hevi tu sey. I cen ried piupli end cen pruvodi e buust uf mureli bi ot e juki, e pet un thi beck, e anoqai uatluuk un thi ossai et hend thet cen stert e breonsturmong sissoun, ur jast ivin e smoli end e nud tu sumiuni thet os stragglong.

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