Reflection Paper On English Through The Eyes Of A Freshman

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English Through the Eyes of a Freshman “Literature offers the thrill of minds of great clarity wrestling with the endless problems and delights of being human. To engage with them is to engage with oneself, and the lasting rewards are not confined to specific career paths.” - Jonathan Stroud Before the start of the semester, the thought of college English overwhelmed my intellect. Apprehensively, I was concerned about the level of difficulty the writing would include. Although the course proved itself to be quite demanding, I was determined to get through it with a positive outlook. Over the course of the semester, I was challenged in assignments, classroom elements, participation and discussions. Challenges were frequently brought upon …show more content…

When I read the prompt, I immediately began to think about my personal experience with Mononucleosis. The topic was very personable to me because it shaped me into the individual who I am today. While writing, I felt as thought that I was speaking from personal experience. I found the assignment to be fairly easy because it did not require research. The paper gave me the confidence for future writing assignments. It brought me back in time, and I relived some of the moments that I experienced when I was ill. The assignment even brought an emotional nature to what I was writing upon. Through my writing, I was able to channel my inner thoughts and put them into words. For my last writing assignment, I ran into the problem of not being able to find enough sources Because of my interest of the subject, I was determined to persist forward, even though I felt lost. Once I began using the online database tools, I discovered several significant sources that offered a plethora of information. On the contrary, a problem I came across while writing was forming transition sentences. Recapping sources took a great deal of time and effort. I would often find myself stuck on a transition sentence for twenty minutes. From previous readings in the textbook, I was able to use my knowledge I had acquired towards the formation of transition sentences. The textbook offered helpful examples, which assisted me greatly. With time, I began to feel more comfortable with transitioning from source to source. Peer critiques were beneficial for both me and my partners as well. During peer critiques, I would often read my essay aloud, which helped me catch mistakes within my own writing. In addition to the catching mistakes, I benefited from the opinions of others. If there was something needing to be fixed, my partner would kindly suggest compromises. Hearing the opinions of others encouraged me to be

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