Reflection Of Gloria Naylor's The Women Of Brewster Place

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While writing my creative essay I was inspired by many of the pieces that we read in class. The one that was most helpful to me in the preparation process of this essay was Gloria Naylor’s The Women of Brewster Place. After reading this story, I really understood from that point on the main concepts that are a part of a composite novel. This novel made it clear to me what exactly I needed to incorporate into my essay. Once I understood this. It was easy to go about making my essay contained all of the necessary components that would allow it to be categorized as a composite novel. My process for writing this project was very trial and error. I began to write stories, would read them, and out of the stories that I liked the most, I tried to adjust them to make them …show more content…

Throughout these books, both authors took a lot of risks with their writing. I really liked how they did not use quotes in the dialogue between the characters so I tried to make that work in my essay. Unlike Díaz though I did not start a new line everytime a person was speaking. Instead I decided to write like Merritt Tearce and only has breaks in the stories when the topic was switched. My second stories have dialogue that are blended in with the rest of the paragraphs as does my third story. I even took the risk of not including any dialogue at all in my first story. I was also largely influenced by Junot Díaz and how he was able to manipulate the time of the story and make it flow. Between his paragraphs he would change to completely different dates and times. In my third story I use this technique. This story starts off with the protagonist as a young boy and then the story progresses through his life with a different paragraph being a different time period. This sequence is also like Merritt Tearce’s book and how she slowly goes through Marie’s

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