Reflection Essay: I Am A Strong Analytical Writer

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I have never been a strong analytical writer. Though I am good with analytic thinking in mathematical and scientific concepts, and I am an okay writer when there is something I can discuss with passion, I can not seem to bring those two fields of thinking together in order to produce a cohesive whole that one can easily read. Although I feel that I have not extreme leaps and bounds in progress thus far, I have made some important changes in my analysis and organization, which I hope to improve even after I finish high school. My primary growth during my high school years has focus on the way I write, rather than what I write. Analysis with my essays have always been hit-or-miss, sometime pinpointing the correct patterns, while most …show more content…

One noticeable change is with my shift away form “to show”. An example Another one is a shift from a three part body to two part body. For the most part, my written structure, but internally I have split textual information into two components, evidence and analysis. The difficult part is trying to put it into the five paragraph essay. For me the first body paragraph tends to frame the question, provide evidence, and have some analysis to support the evidence, in essence, just the details of the work. The second paragraph focuses on the overall analysis, connecting the theme, motif, overall the big picture of the work. My main problem is when I have to chop up my overall analysis and shove it in with the detailed evidence to satisfy the five paragraph structure, which is functionable, but gives it a clunky and unfinished appearance. One can see this especially with my senior timed writes, where evidence is given and an analysis is started, but the analysis does not get resolved until the last paragraph, if I even get to …show more content…

Currently, I can get the basic idea, and some details given a few days worth of reading and rereading. My plan is try to get in the habit of picking out the most important information on my first pass. Another hope is that I am able to develop a base style, meaning that a style of analysing, organizing, and writing that can be used as a template to expand on. Currently, the only style I know how to use is the five part essay. Although useful for getting a passing grade in a high school AP class, it might not be most appropriate in all of college classes. I want the ability to have more flexibility with the way I write, and the capacity to finish what I start without appearing that I rushed to finish. My final main hope of improvement is probably the most important one, to stop procrastinating so terribly. If I can, I will try to set deadlines and milestones to reach well before. In the long run, this will lead less stress on my part, and a better written

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